Featured Partner

Building Better Businesses Through Research-Driven Insights

Thursday, Oct 25 2012 8:30AM to 12:00PM

4 Speakers led by Julie Nance, Turning Point Advisors
Peak 10 Corporate Headquarters 8809 Lenox Pointe Drive, Suite G Charlotte, North Carolina 28273

"Building Better Businesses Through Research-Driven Insights"
Understanding What Marketing Research Can Do For Your Business

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012

Location: Peak 10 Corporate Headquarters,

8809 Lenox Pointe Drive, Suite G

Charlotte, North Carolina 28273

Parking: Plenty of free parking

Time: 8:30 am to Noon


8:30 to 9:00  Registration and Networking

9:00 to 9:30 The Importance of Marketing Research

· Why it is important to your funding sources
· Research for defining your business model
· Research for positioning your company and defining your messaging strategy

9:30 to 9:50 Know What You Need – Understanding the Different Research Methods

· The Different Types of Research
· Pros/Cons of each type
· When to use each type? What is most appropriate?
· Understanding ways to collect primary research: focus groups, personal interviews, online surveys, mail surveys
· Social Media monitoring and other forms of emerging intelligence gathering
· Finding usable intelligence online: Where to look.

9:50 to 10:40 Research Projects to Accomplish Specific Business Objectives

· How it is used in the business planning process
· How to use research data to make management decisions
· Segmentation strategies and targeting
· Customer Research: Satisfaction Surveys, Loyalty Research
· Business Intelligence Gathering: Competitive Analysis, Pricing Studies
· Research for Product Development
· Other uses: Image Testing, Pricing Studies

10:40 to 10:50 Break

10:50 to 11:40 Structuring Your Own Research Study – A Hands-On Exercise

Participants will outline a research study for their own businesses. Experts will be available to answer questions and provide insights on Customer Research, Industry Research, Product Research and Competitive Research.

11:40 to 12:00 Lessons Learned

· Interactive discussion by seminar participants
· Final tips for success
o Do’s and don’ts.
o How to improve response rates.
o Developing eMail invitations
o Use of incentives

Speakers (see attached bios):

Julie Nance
President, Turning Point Advisors

Tara Heptinstall
Vice President, Marketing, Peak 10

Tammara Combs
Serendipity Interactive, LLC

Juan Garzon
Marketing Consultant

Program Cost:  BIG Members free

                              Guests $60 in advance, $75 at the door

Registration: RSVP to terry@bigcouncil.com or register at www.bigcouncil.com

Dress Attire: Business casual