Tuesday, Apr 29 2014 9:00AM to 3:30PM
Ron Elmore, Gary Parker
The Carrillon Building
227 W. Trade Street
3rd Floor Conference Room
Charlotte, NC, 28202
Value Creation Workshop
Deep down, all business owners desire one thing--- the biggest check possible when it is time to sell. As you know, value creation in any business is not a sprint, it is a marathon of continually prioritizing and doing the right things that actually create value for you, the owner.
If you own a business and you're running that value building marathon, then you should attend the Value Creation Workshop.
In our private equity/consulting practice, we’ve learned over many years that there are eight factors that determine how big a check you'll receive if or when you decide to sell your business. But, we've also learned that regardless of whether you intend to ever sell your business, the most successful, valuable companies are always "sellable".
The one-day Value Creation Workshop provides insight on each of these eight factors with specific direction for your business.
WHAT: A one-day, roll-up-your-sleeves, interactive workshop for business owners, by business owners. Presented by Milestone Partnersa (www.milestonex.com), in conjunction with GreerWalker LLP (www.greerwalker.com) and the Business Innovation and Growth Council (www.BIGCouncil.com).
WHEN: Tuesday, April 29, 9:00am to 3:30pm (lunch provided)
WHERE: The Carrillon Building, 227 W. Trade Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Charlotte, NC, 28202. FREE PARKING in Carillon Building, compliments of GreerWalker (they will validate your parking ticket).
REGISTER: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/value-creation-workshop-spring-2014-registration-10989143825
Register early, as seating for each workshop is limited to 15. (A waiting list will be available if a workshop sells out.)
Think of this as a no-lose proposition for you…Either you'll learn you ARE on track and you'll feel great about your future, OR you'll learn that you are NOT on track, and you'll discover what to fix, so you WILL get a bigger check! Take a day to work ON your business rather than IN your business.
Best regards,
Ron Elmore
Managing Partner
Milestone Partners LLC