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Data Literacy: The Path to become an Uber Analyst POSTPONED

Tuesday, Apr 7 2020 8:30AM to 10:30AM

Daniel Stiefel
TechWorks Gaston 52A Ervin St Belmont, NC 28012

Data Literacy: The Path to become an Uber Analyst

The ability to read, manipulate, analyze and understand data

Today, data literacy is as important as reading and writing, but we're facing a major skills gap. That's why we’re on a mission to help people and organizations understand, analyze and use data with confidence.

The program takes a practical, real-life approach enabling students to start applying what they learn to their every day jobs and tasks. To truly understand data, people need to see, touch and interact with data—and the best tool to do that with is MS Excel.

The Path To Becoming an “Uber Analyst”:

First Stop - Data: getting it ready for analytics using EXCEL

Second Stop - Pivot Tables... let’s start slicing and dicing

Third Stop- Power Pivot... when you need more power  

Fourth Stop - What’s this thing called Power BI

Fifth Stop- Azure, IoT, AI, AR/VR and data

Is this training for data analysts? No—the training is not geared towards becoming a data analyst—it’s geared towards making you a better analyst of data, for whatever job you cur- rently have

Is this preparing me to take the excel certification exam?
The training will cover some of the Excel functionality covered in the exam—but this program is geared towards using Excel and Power BI to visualize, interact and understand data.

Registration for First Stop of Series on March 3 at TechWorks Gaston:

BIG Members register below at no cost.

Guests: Register HERE for $20